Kamis, 17 November 2011


By : Dr. Marsigit, M. A.
Reviewed by: Resti Safitri (09301241012)
According to Kant (Wilder, RL, 1952), mathematics must dipahamai and constructed using pure intuition, that intuition "space" and "time". Mathematical concepts and decisions that are "synthetic a priori" will cause the natural sciences had become dependent on mathematics in explaining and predicting natural phenomena. According to him, mathematics can be understood through "intuition sensing", as long as the results can be adapted to our pure intuition.
Kant's view about the role of intuition in mathematics has provided a clear picture of the foundation, structure and mathematical truth. Moreover, if we learn more knowledge of Kant's theory, in which dominated the discussion about the role and position of intuition, then we will also get an overview of the development of mathematical foundation from Plato to the contemporary philosophy of mathematics, through the common thread intutionism philosophy and constructivism .
Kant (Randall, A., 1998) concluded that the mathematics of arithmetic and geometry is a discipline that is synthetic and independent from one another. In his work The Critique of Pure Reason and the Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, Kant (ibid.) concludes that mathematical truths are synthetic a priori truths. Logic of truth and the truth is revealed only through the definition of the truth of which is analytic.
Truth is intuitive analytic a priori. But, the truth of mathematics as a synthetic truth is a construction of a concept or several concepts that generate new information. If the concept is derived purely from empirical data obtained then the verdict was the verdict of a posteriori. Synthesis derived from pure intuition a priori decision produces.
Kant (Wegner, P.) concluded that intuition and decisions that are "synthetic a priori" applies to geometry and arithmetic. The concept of geometry is "intuitive spatial" and the concept of arithmetic are "intuitive time" and "numbers", and both are "innate intuitions". With the concept of intuition, Kant (Posy, C., 1992) wanted to show that mathematics also requires empirical data is that the mathematical properties can be found through intuition sensing, but the human mind can not reveal the nature of mathematics as "noumena" but only reveal as a "phenomenon".
Kant (ibid.) to contribute because it gives a middle way that mathematics is synthetic a priori decision, the decision which first obtained a priori from the experience, but the concept is not obtained empirical (Kant, I, 1783), but rather pure. Knowledge of geometry is synthetic a priori be possible if and only if understood in a transcendental concept of spatial and generate a priori intuition.

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