09301241012/ PMATSUB’09
International standard schools are schools that already meet and implement national standards that include: content standards, process standards, competency standards, standards of educators and education personnel, facilities and infrastructure standards, management standards, funding standards, and standards of assessment. In achieving the status of SBI, the schools should be able to advance through three stages, namely ordinary schools, schools of national standards, and the pioneering school of international standard. In addition to the conversations that need to be able to use English, RSBI also must complete adequate facilities or the like commonly used in SBI, floor carpeting, room air conditioners, computers, unlimited internet, LCD projector, even for teachers also performed a combination of lecturers and subject teachers continue to be adjusted each compositionally force.
Source of financing international school pilot program based on Government Regulation No. 48 of 2008 on Guidelines for Education Funding, costs of conducting the SBI from the Government, Provincial Governments, Regency / City Government, parents of students (School Committee), foreigners are not binding, the business and the industrial world. Funds from the school committee, the Government of Regency / Municipality and the Provincial Government is more focused on activities to develop educational facilities and improve the quality of learning. While funding from central government is more focused on the fulfillment of educational quality assurance.
One container to accommodate community participation in education is the board of education in the District / Municipal and School Committee at the unit level of education. The School Committee is an independent body that embodies the role of the community in order to improve the quality, equity, and efficiency of education management in education units, both on the educational path.
The School Committee was formed with the aim of:
a. Embody and convey the aspirations and community initiatives in the delivery of operational policies and educational programs in the education unit.
b. Increasing responsibility and community participation in education in the education unit.
c. Creating an atmosphere and conditions for transparent, accountable, and democratic in the administration and service of quality education in the education unit.
To be able to implement the international school program when I was a school committee, I should be able to cooperate actively with the school to support SBI. This is needed since there are many learning facilities and infrastructure that must be addressed, without the support of the school committee it was very difficult to be met given the limited funds from the government. Success in education is not only the responsibility of central government but also provincial, regency / city, and the school, parents, and community or stakeholder education. It required the synergistic cooperation of the school, family, and community or other stakeholders are systematically as a form of participation in managing education as the school committee.
As my school committee will also establish good cooperation with its surroundings because of the limited budgets of government-owned, then the role of the community is needed in order to achieve a quality education to support the implementation of the SBI program. In addition the school committee should be clever - clever to seek funding from outside, such as working with alumni and local governments, as to become the SBI should be able to perform self-financing. School committees wherever possible enhance responsibility and community participation in education in the education unit. If the cooperation between the school committee with the school well established international schools, the program will run as expected.
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